It’s Monday What Are You Reading?

Bit late with my post this week, but hey – it’s STILL Monday!

Head on over to Sheila’s at Book Journey, say Hi and Link up!

After a manic weekend and a brilliant trip to Brighton as you no doubt read in my last post I am back in action at work, on the reading front and soon to be back on track on the blogging front also.

On the reading front over the past week I have managed to advance with Anna Karenina and am at the point where whenever I pick it up and don’t want to put it down. This can become a bit of a problem when I have to go to work.

Currently Reading

Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy

Meet Me Under the Mistetoe by Abby Clements

To Read

Now that seems like a long list of books and there are a couple more on the side of that such as Telegraph Avenue and On The Road but they will all happen in due course.

What are you reading this Monday?


4 thoughts on “It’s Monday What Are You Reading?

  1. Looks like a fun pile of books to be working your way through

    Have a great reading week!

    Shelleyrae @ Book’d out


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