Blog & Writer

wind in pages bookHi there! My name is Fay and I love to read! Wow that sounds like an introduction to an AA meeting. Fear not lovely reader this is not AA or any other group where you have to stand up and say who you are and why you are here. This is a place where you can hopefully sit back, chill out and read my ramblings about books, life, work and other stuff. When I say other stuff it is meant in the broadest sense of the word as due to the title of the blog you can most likely tell that the majority of posts are about books – so whatever else is posted comes under one of those categories above or ‘other stuff’.

In my late twenties and nine years into blogging I find myself wanting different things from my blog than when I originally started. I write because I enjoy it and like to read what others think, blogging is also a wonderful community where if you reach out there are many fabulous people that will extend that reach back to you and *poof* somebody new! I feel incredibly lucky to have spoken to and met some fabulous people along the way, attend some awesome events and read some truly fabulous books whilst doing it all.


Work wise I am a critical care nurse who loves her job (more than her life – sometimes it seems!). At times there may be posts about work on here but no personal details of patients or families are used as not only is against the law but would be terribly unfair on those I work with. If you asked me when I was younger what I wanted to be, the answer was – ‘Computer Genius/Writer’. Well not all dreams come true but getting into my current career gave me the opportunity to create new dreams and aspirations. Being scared out of my wits of needles and blood this is something that I battle with daily but for the sake of my patients just crack on. One belief that I will always stand by is ‘The day that I start to really dislike my job I will give it up and do something new’.


Aside from work and other parts of life you can find me either at home curled up on my sofa with a book and cup of tea in my hand, at a local coffee shop with a book in hand or staring into my laptop or at the local park (british weather permitting) reading whilst looking up at the sky. As my book pile is forever growing there will be an endless amount of book reviews on here, as well as product reviews due to my shopaholic nature and plenty of other posts about life in general. Some would say I have an unhealthy coffee habit however I would say it is just bordering on normal!


For now I will leave you with that and get myself in gear for more posts, photos and who knows what else!

There are so many other ways to contact me as you can see on my sidebar.

However if you have a burning question or just fancy a chat Email Me and I will be sure to reply

Thanks for visiting and have a lovely day/evening!


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