Vintage Book Group Cheer Session

vintage book group

Right guys firstly I would like to apologise for being such a crap cheerleader with regards to Miracle on Regent Street by Ali Harris. This is a book that I read in January last year and have revisited for the purposes of this book club. Whilst making my way through Ali’s fantastic and optimistic pages I am reminded of how much I liked the book. It was a truly lovely story but did not overwhelm me with any certain feelings. I am hoping that you are all enjoying the book and have some fresh ideas to share with each other on the discussion page. CLICK HERE.

Miracle on Regent Street by Ali Harris

How does the book make you feel?

Do you feel a cross over between reality and fiction?

Are you enjoying or have you enjoyed reading the book?

Just a couple of things to think about whilst you are steadily making your way through or finishing up Ms Harris’ extremely fashionable and flirty pages.

You can find Ali on:





Have a great day lovelies 😀



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