It’s Monday Again

As with most weeks when Monday comes around again it seems like there has been a flurry of activity over the past week and weekend just gone. What have you been up to I wonder?

Finished Reading

Rivers of London

The review for this book will be posted when I have a day off this week. Just so you know for now however the book is absolutely awesome. Well worth the read and does not take that long to get through it as you will get caught up in the excitement.

Currently Reading


This book was started on Audio however I have the paper copy at home and think I will switch over as soon as possible. There is something about audio books that I really cannot get along with. After recently trying to cycle to work I listened to this and it was great to pass the time but I much prefer to read the physical book.


Trax Bike

FINALLY! I got my bike back from my old house and got it a bit of TLC from the guys at Halfords. Not only when I got on it did my seat slide down but my mud guard was crooked and I only realised it wasn’t screwed tight when I got back from a cycle with a world of mud up my back and sides!Ā Bad stuff aside it feels great to be able to cycle again even though I have only been out twice on the bike since its reappearance in my life. Summer this year will be extra fun with this bad boy and there are hopes that once I have finished saving for something else close to my heart there will be another bike on the distant horizon. For now however this will do!

Love that film!

So blog lovelies what has been happening out there? Connect with me!!!!

## Detox Delay ##

DELAYEDPlans have slightly changed with regards to the delightful (or not so!) Lemon Detox Diet. Not only is the drink awful even with minimal Cayenne Pepper light headed is only one of the side effects I am willing to discuss. On top of all of this it is that time of the month again and personally I cannot handle that with going to work and detoxing at the same time. After going for a full 24 hours and some without any food and still feeling good I was impressed but then I hit a wall and wanted to hit it with my head!

With any kind of diet it is difficult not having the things you like so I think it will be back to everything in moderation or just under for me with a couple of days detox here and there. That is until I have at least five days off where I have nothing to do and I feel quite good in myself to start the detox again.


Everything happens for a reason – I am just trying to figure out what the reason for this detour is!


It’s Monday Again!

I don’t know about you but the weeks seem to be flying by. 19 days from today I will be celebrating yet another birthday, Halloween is just around the corner and then of course Christmas! Sheesh!


Please click on the above image for the original source.


Currently Reading

the holiday jane green

This was fished out of my rather large pile of books that I should have read a long time ago. Something that is hopefully light on the brain after finishing Ridgway’s mammoth read (EPIC!). So far I am about 70 pages in and not really looking forward to having to get to grips with two separate stories on top of the current one in one book. I am having feelings that are reminiscent of when I found out Capote added stories to Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Finished Reading

The River of No Return by Bee Ridgway

This book was absolutely EPIC (yes I said it again!) I am speechless as I have already written the review and have nothing else to say about it. On top of that look at that cover! I will be re-publishing the review today as it really should be a book that everyone knows about.

Health & Fitness

Lemon Detox Diet

As I mentioned on a previous post I will be starting my detox tonight on my night shift. I am quite excited at the prospect of this cleansing and hope that it really works. Just a waiting game!

High Five-A-Day

With my detox in sight I figure that there is no time like the present to kick old eating habits and start afresh. Inspired by The Lemon Detox post diet and just general common sense I have put together my lunch for tonight and in preparation for tomorrow night if the syrup does not arrive. In the event that it arrives tomorrow I have a nice healthy last meal before commencement!

My kitchen may have looked like a fruit massacre had taken place and the culprit mainly leaning towards that tasty character Strawberry. After bribing the skin away from a sweet orange and skinning and chopping apples and kiwi some blueberries escaped their packet managed to get washed and chucked into the mix. Some Granola and yoghurt also found their way into the mix but on the wayside to the other delectable goodies.

Check it out . . .

Fruit Massacre

In the swing of cutting, skinning, dicing and washing these lovelies I am starting to get hungry so sealing them in their containers in the fridge is just what is needed. One thing I did not realise before starting all of this was exactly how much Tupperware I own – this is a mere selection of the collection!

Healthy Carnage

On a personal note this pile of leftovers looks a lot prettier than potato skins and onion disregards! A little colour goes a long way – although the Strawberries have left it looking like I used the knife for other intents and purposes.

Food Cycle

Now I wouldn’t say that I am an avid recycler but I do enjoy separating things into their correct places and I suppose this is one extreme! OCD whilst doing your bit for the planet!

Healthy on the go

With some tasty granola boxed up and some yoghurt ready to go the finished product and clean surfaces make me feel a lot better. I hope that this sumptuous selection curbs my hunger tonight.

The list below is enough for two days of food:

2 Kiwi’s

2 Apples

2 Oranges

1 Punnet of Strawberries

2 Large Handfuls of Blueberries

4 Handfuls of Granola

1 Pot of Yoghurt

enjoy the little things

Click on the above image for the original source